Selasa, 03 November 2009

Agriculture Tour (Wisata Agro) In Bangka Belitung

1.White Papper Plantation (kebun Lada Putih)
Bangka Belitung Island has been well known as the producer for white pepper commodity.the visitor can enjoy the view of vast Pepper plantation area and witnessing how the white pepper is processed,from harvesting,submerging in water,up until,heating

2.Rubber Plantation (Kebun Karet)
Beside Pepper plantation,in some areas of Bangka island are found rubber plantation in neatly and well arranged looking. The plantation provide interesting place to visit

3.Toboali Pineapple Crops (Kebun Nanas Toboali)
The crops is located in the capital town of Toboali
District in the southern part of Bangka Island. Pineapple from Bangka is well known for their sweet taste and tourist may enjoy eating the pineapple stright from itd stem.

4.Palm Oil Plantation (Kebun Kelapa Sawit)
Bangka Island has vast palm oil plantation areas in various region . The beauty of the plantation can be enjoyed by tourists while relaxing.

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